GA4 Setup Agency

GA4 implementation services for tech and SaaS companies

Let’s customize GA4 for your business

Hi, I’m Brian. I used to be on the Google Analytics team at Google. Now I help SMBs grow their businesses by applying what I’ve learned at cutting-edge tech companies.

It’s easy to set up a basic GA4 implementation but it won’t have the data you need to understand how your site is performing.

For that, you need a custom implementation. Custom events and parameters to capture what’s important for your business. Custom reports to interpret the data.

Why do you need a best-in-class GA4 implementation?

Many site owners and managers view good data as an expense. It would be nice to have it, but budgets are tight and that money would be better spent on things like ads.

This is a mistake. Having worked with dozens of companies, from start-ups to tech behemoths, the best teams rely on quality data to succeed.

And this trend is increasing. Online ad platforms now use algorithms to find your best customers. The businesses that win are giving the ad platforms quality data.

10 years ago A/B testing and personalization were niche activities. Now, small businesses with <$1m in revenue are running successful A/B testing & personalization programs.

Data is at the heart of your success online now. You can’t afford to not invest in it.

Common GA4 mistakes

Still, many of the companies I work with haven’t invested in a quality GA4 implementation. Here are common mistakes I see:

  1. Basic pageview tracking only. Most companies just add the standard code to their site and leave it there. While you technically have a GA4 account all you are measuring is pageviews.
  2. The setup was done by a non-specialist. An in-house dev or an agency sets up GA4 to ‘get it done’. Because it’s not their core competency their custom event structure and naming conventions are disorganized. They miss things like increasing the data retention length or setting up a BigQuery sync.
  3. They think they don’t need it. It’s a mistake to think investing in good data isn’t worthwhile. There are plenty of solid GA alternatives but a lot of your marketing team will need upskilling to use them.

My process

I’ll work directly with you on an advanced implementation that’s customized to your business. Here are the steps I work through:

  1. Understand your business. I take the time to understand how your business works and what critical data should be measured.
  2. Capture your requirements. Based on my findings, I present a list of measurement requirements to you. We’ll work through them together to develop a plan for your implementation.
  3. Implementation and validation. I work through the implementation. Typically, my developer and yours are involved in this step. Once the implementation is complete, we’ll validate everything works as intended.
  4. Documentation and Q&A. Your implementation comes with full documentation and training videos for you to refer to. We’ll also do follow-up Q&A. Ongoing support available by request.

Why Choose Me?

I worked on the GA team at Google and I’ve completed advanced GA and GTM implementations for dozens of companies since.

If you’re interested in working with me, you can email me at or click one of the buttons in the nav to get a free audit.